
Showing posts from April, 2015

Fetching Address book AKA Contact information from Device using Xamarin.Forms

It's  been while I didn't write anything. This time I came with something in Xamarin.Forms. This article is intended to show the powerfulness of Xamarin.Forms and it's component to achieve the result with a common code base. This article demonstrate on how to fetch address book (Contacts) information from a platforms (Android/iOS) using Xamarin.Forms. It works in conjunction with Xamarin.Mobile components. Xamarin.Mobile components is an API for accessing common platform features, such as reading the user's address book and using the camera, across iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Its truly a fantastic component to achieve the functionality of platform specific features. but sadly, it does not have any support for Xamarin.Forms and thats where this article comes in picture. What I did is,  used Dependency service of Xamarin to get platform specific features in Xamarin.Forms. For more information about Dependency service please visit: http://developer.xamar...